Are you planning to store your belongings in a storage room for a longer period of time? There are sometimes reasons why you are confronted with this.
Once you have chosen the right storage formula, you need to consider the approach to the storage itself. By storing your things smartly and efficiently, you save a lot of time and aggravation afterwards. You’ll only need one thing from that crammed storage space…
Get rid of what you don’t need anymore.
Before packing, make a selection of the items you want to store.
Broken business, get rid of it. Do you really need everything? Old stuff that you no longer want to keep can end up somewhere else via the right route. Think of the thrift store, family or friends, or aid organizations. If these items do not qualify for any of these options, take them to the container park.
Use the same stackable boxes
It is a very valuable tip. Sturdy boxes are stackable. Provide boxes that are all the same size. That works best.
You will find the ideal protective packaging in Britwrap. In case of any issue, you can even return them so that you can recover part of the cost.
Organize your decoration by theme
Christmas, Halloween, Easter, birthday, and I don’t know what themes are still there. Pack your decorations by theme. It saves a lot of searching afterwards.
Only store clean items
Make sure all things are clean. Do you also need to store kitchen appliances, pots, and pans? Make everything very clean. Not only is it more pleasant to unpack afterwards, you also avoid mould formation.
Protect delicate items
Make sure all delicate items are properly protected. For example, bubble wrap, blanket paper, wrapping paper, protective covers, etc. You will find everything you need by visiting
Label your boxes
Make sure all boxes are labelled. Make sure you have your own system. You can number the boxes or write down some keywords.
Make an inventory of the boxes
Following on from the previous point, it is best to make an inventory of the contents of the boxes. A list of the number or name that appears on the label on the box followed by a summary of the main contents. You will thank yourself the moment you need things out of the boxes.
Load your storage space smartly
Are there things you might need in the meantime? Wait for the last one to load. Large pieces such as furniture are best placed at the back. Arrange your boxes in such a way that the labels are legible.
Leave a corridor between the boxes
Leave a corridor at least two boxes wide in the middle. This way, you can walk between your things yourself, and everything remains accessible.
Hope this article helps you a lot to pack your things as efficiently as possible. Then organize your storage space smartly so that you know what is there and that you can access it.